Dr. Branch's Consultation Techniques - learning approaches from 35 real episodes.
Chugai Publishers
ISBN-10: 4498148509
ISBN-13: 978-4498148505
1. Branch J, Inoue K. Dr Branch Live Case Conferences. Book published 27 April 2012. ISBN-10: 4758117217, ISBN-13: 978-4758117210. LINK
2. Nishiguchi S, Branch J. はじめての内科病棟 ただいま回診中! We’re rounding the patients: Internal Medicine. 中外医学社 (February 3, 2021). LINK.
3. I am one of 70 coauthors of a Japanese medical textbook “Naika Manual” for junior doctors. Medsi Publishers, 2021. LINK
1. Branch J, Ohta B. Japanese emergency medical service (EMS) system has a serious structural problem. Abstract for European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2008. 15(4): 305-306.
2. Sumida Y, Ohta B, Yamagami H, Ohfuchi H, Branch J. A Retrospective Study of Hospital Delays in Reperfusion for Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) in a Japanese Community Hospital. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2008. 51(4):529-530.
3. Hakuta N, Ohta B, Branch J. The Benefit of Blood Cultures Taken in the Emergency Department from Patients Diagnosed With Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Japan. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2008. 51(4): 479
4. Umezawa K, Branch J, Yamagami H, Ofuchi H, Ohta B, Uchida Y, Kitahara H. The Outcome of Out-of-Hospital Cardiopulmonary Arrest in the Over 85-Year-Old Japanese Population Taken to the Emergency Department. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2009. 54(3): Supplement Page S80.
5. Imamura T, Ohta B, Tanaka E, Branch J. Prognosis of Urosepsis Patients Who Are Treated by Inappropriate Initial Antimicrobial Therapy in the Emergency Department. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2009. 54(3): Supplement Pages S38-S39.
6. Imamura T, Branch J, Ohta B, Ohbuchi H, Yamagami H, Umezawa K. Bloodstream Infections by Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae In the Emergency Department: Risk Factors for Infection. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2010. 56(3): Supplement Page S117.
7. Branch J. Primary Care for Foreigners Living in Japan - from a UK Physician's Standpoint. Proceedings of the Japan Primary Care Association meeting, Fukuoka, Japan, 2012.
8. Watari T, Branch J, Suganami Y, Ofuchi H, Kitagawa I. Characteristics of drug overdose patients transported to an acute suburban hospital in the Kanagawa region, Japan. Proceedings of the American College of Physicians meeting Japan Division, Kyoto, 2013.
9. Ito R, Branch J, et al. The Difficulty in Differentiating Infective Endocarditis (IE) from Nonbacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis (NBTE). Proceedings of the American College of Physicians meeting Japan Chapter, Kyoto, 2013.
10. Watanabe T, Branch J, Kitagawa I, Tanaka E, Shima K, Sakagami T. Disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex infection in a Patient with Anti-interferon-γ autoantibody. Proceedings of 12th European Congress of Internal Medicine, 2013. Czech Republic.
11. Hirata Y, Nishiguchi S, Tokura M, Tanikawa T, Branch J, Kitagawa I. Neurosyphilis with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive serology. Proceedings of American College of Physicians meeting Japan Chapter, Kyoto 2016.
12. Tasaki J, Nishiguchi S, Tamai Y, Branch J, Kitagawa I. Intravascular lymphoma diagnosed by random skin biopsy. Proceedings of the Society of Hospital Medicine Meeting, Orlando, USA, 2018.
Manuscript publications
1. Brown TR, Stonehouse TJ, Branch J, Brickell PM, Katz DR. Stable transfection of U937 cells with sense or antisense RXR-alpha cDNA suggests a role for RXR-alpha in the control of monoblastic differentiation induced by retinoic acid and vitamin D. Exp Cell Res,1997. 10; 236(1): 94-102
2. Ikee R, Branch J, Honda K, Ishioka K, Oka M, Maesato K, Moriya H, Hidaka S, Ohtake T, Kobayashi S. Recurrence of severe hemoperitoneum in a patient on peritoneal dialysis. Perit Dial Int, 2009. 29(5): 583-585.
3. Branch J. Infectious Disease in Japan Through The Eyes of a British Physician. Resident Note Extra Edition. Yodosha Co, LTD, Tokyo. June 2010. 12(6): 1109-1112. Article in Japanese.
4. Branch J, Suganami Y, Kitagawa I, Stein GH, Tanaka E. A Rare Case of Group A Streptococcal Endocarditis with Absence of Valvular Vegetation. Inter Med, 2010. 49(15): 1657-1661. URL: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/internalmedicine/49/15/49_15_1657/_pdf
5. Kitagawa I, Suganami Y, Branch J, Kawada J. Infective Endocarditis. Resident Note, 2011. 12(16):2846-2851. Article in Japanese.
6. Umezawa K, Branch J, Hasegawa K. Images in Emergency Medicine: Pott’s Puffy Tumor in a 46-year-old Japanese male. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2012. 59(3): 237-238.
7. Branch J. End of Life Decisions – a United Kingdom Perspective. Intensivist, 2012. 4(1):56-64
8. Nakaoka K, Yamaguchi M, Ozeki T, Hazi Y, Tomino T, Shimizu H, Branch J, Fujita Y. A case of primary adrenal tuberculosis - a diagnostic quandary. Endocrinol Metabol Syndrome, 2012. 1:1 http://www.omicsonline.org/2161-1017/pdfdownload.php?download=2161-1017-1-103.pdf&&aid=4728
9. Imamura T, Branch J et al. Emergency Airway Management in Geriatric and Younger Patients: Analysis of a Multicenter Prospective Observational Study. Am J Emerg Med, 2013. 31(1):190-196.
10. Komatsu T, Onda T, Murayama G, Yamanouchi M, Branch J, Aoki M, Tierney LM, Inoue K. Predicting Bacteremia Based on Nurse-assessed Food Consumption at The Time of Blood Culture. J Hosp Med, 2012. 7(9):702-5.
11. Branch J, Inoue, K. "Doctor, I have severe pain in chest! I think I am going to die!" Resident Note, 2013. Vol 15(1): 116-126. Article in Japanese.
12. Branch J, Inoue K. "Doctor, I can't catch my breath. Please help me!" Resident Note, 2013. Vol 15(3): 527-538. Article in Japanese.
13. Branch J, Inoue, K. "Doctor, I have excruciating belly pain. Help!" Resident Note, 2013. Vol 15(4): 685-696. Article in Japanese.
14. Branch J, Inoue, K. "Doctor my head really hurts!" Resident Note, 2013. Vol 15(6): 1111-1122. Article in Japanese.
15. Branch J, Inoue, K. "How do I collect the information to make the diagnosis? Help me please!” Problem Based Learning – Part 1. Resident Note, 2013. Vol 15(7):1295-1307. Article in Japanese.
16. Branch J, Inoue, K. "How do I collect the information to make the diagnosis? Help me please!” Problem Based Learning – Part 2. Resident Note, 2013. Vol 15(9): 1714-1722. Article in Japanese.
17. Ito H, Miyazaki S, Ozeki T, Masaki M, Branch J, Fujita Y, Marui N. A Case of Gonococcal Endocarditis in a 47-year-old Japanese Male. Intern Med, 2014. 53: 505-509. URL:https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/internalmedicine/53/5/53_53.1301/_pdf
18. Nishiguchi S, Branch J. Suganami Y, Izumi Kitagawa I, Tokuda, Y. Effectiveness of early ureteric stenting for urosepsis associated with urinary tract calculi. Intern Med, 2014. 53: 2205-2210. https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/internalmedicine/53/19/53_53.2617/_pdf
19. Ito N, Hozawa N, Branch J. Case Report: A pitfall in the diagnosis of hyponatremia. Journal of General and Family Medicine, 2015. Vol 16(2): 107-112.
20. Ito N, Branch J. Clinical Problem Solving: A Patient with Fever and Generalized Body Pain. Journal of General and Family Medicine, 2015. Vol16(4):229-234.
21. Branch J, Kakutani T, Kuroda, S, Shiba Y, Kitagawa I. Pasteurella multocida infective endocarditis – a possible link with primary upper respiratory tract infection. Inter Med, 2015. Vol 54(24):3225-3231
22. Sato S, Terane A, Nishiguchi S, Branch J, Kawada J, Kitagawa I, Tokuda Y. Intractable Hiccups and Nausea as a Principal Symptom of Neuromyelitis Optica in a Patient with a Prior History of Miller-Fisher Syndrome. Journal of General and Family Medicine, 2016. Vol17(1):99-104.
23. Nishiguchi S, Branch J, Kitagawa I, Tokuda Y. Individuals ages 75 and older dying at night: A retrospective cohort study in a Japanese Acute Care Hospital. Letter to the Editor. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2016. 64(7):1516-1518.
24. Komatsu T, Takahashi E, Mishima K, Toyoda T, Yasuda A, Matsuoka J, Sugita M, Branch J, Tierney LM, Inoue K. A Simple Algorithm for Predicting Bacteremia Using Food Consumption and Shaking Chills: A Prospective Observational Study. J Hosp Med, 2017. 12(7):510-515.
25. Nishiguchi S, Branch J, Tsuchiya T, Ito R, Kawada J. Facial Uniplegia in a Variant of Guillain-Barre Syndrome Associated with a Mixture of Anti-galactocerebroside Antibodies and Phosphatidic Acids. Am J Case Rep, 2017; 18:1048-1052.
26. Hyun Sung J, Uojima H, Branch J, Miyazono S, Kitagawa I, Kako M, Kobayashi S. Platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome induced by an Infected giant hepatic cyst. Intern. Med. 2017; 56(15):2019-2024.
27. Kawahigashi T, Nishiguchi S, Branch J, Hiramitsu K, Niitsu T, Kitagawa I. Site-Seeing: Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia with Native-Valve Endocarditis. Am. J. Med. 2018 Apr; 131(4):380-383.
28. Nagasaki S, Nishiguchi S, Branch J. Portal hypertension, oesophageal varices and caput medusa. QJM, 2018. 1(1). https://academic.oup.com/qjmed/advance-article/doi/10.1093/qjmed/hcy226/5122734?searchresult=1
29. Asano M, Hayakawa T, Kato Y, Kawada K, Goto S, Branch J, Shimizu H. A Case of Pilsicainide Intoxication with Neuropsychiatric Symptoms Treated with Continuous Hemodiafiltration. Intern. Med. 2020.https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/internalmedicine/advpub/0/advpub_4676-20/_article/-char/en
30. Nguyen Hai Nam, Pham Nguyen Quy, Truong-Minh Pham, Joel Branch. No new community COVID-19 infection in four consecutive weeks: what lesson can be learned from Vietnam. J Infect Dev Ctries 2020; 14(10):1125-1127. doi:10.3855/jidc.13080
31. Marina Asano, Hanako Hase, Yuki Naruse, Kyogo Kawada, Iori Kojima, Joel Branch, Hideaki Shimizu. A rare cause of acute kidney injury with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. CEN Case Reports, 2021; 10(320–325).
32. Ishihara Y, Nishiguchi S, Branch J, et al. Suspected Gastroparesis With Concurrent Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Induced by Low-Dose Liraglutide. Cureus 2022;14(7): e26916. doi:10.7759/cureus.26916
33. Shirasaki Y, Kawashima M, Kimura T, Yamanaka H, Hatta K, Branch J, Matsuda Y. Successful salvage of torsion testis by means of intraoperative indocyanine green fluorescence imaging. Surg Case Rep. 2022; 8(1):152. doi: 10.1186/s40792-022-01476-9.
34. Uryu K, Yamamoto T, Toyoda A, Takahara Y, Kimura T, Branch J, Harada H. Hypoglycemia from delayed onset late dumping syndrome caused by subclinical adrenal insufficiency: a report of four patients. Daily Medical Examination Journal, 2023. 19(1):17-23. [Article in Japanese].
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